219 Twin Lakes Rd
PA 15650
WSC Spring Picnic – May 14
at Twin Lakes Park
Now that the ski season has wound down, hale and hearty club members tum their thoughts to the season of warm weather activities. What better way to start the season than with an outdoor gathering at Twin Lakes Park on May 14.
Pavilion #2 will be this year’s site for a memorable time to gather, anticipate summer plans, and participate in a great food and fun.
Plans are continuing in the works for this event. A number of members have already agreed to assist and if you are interested in helping to make this happen, please contact Nancy Dalverny.
This will be a low fuss event – the few things needed are:
- contact person for receiving of reservations
- team menu planning
- food pick up from “caterer”
- help to set up tables
- assistance to clean up
- volunteers to bring baskets for the Spring Basket Raffle Fundraiser
Food will be provided – Bring your favorite beverage – A water cooler will be supplied .. .Just come and enjoy!!! Additional details will be forthcoming!
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